Colleagues from ECN, one of the FLOATECH partners, are attending the 1st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2022) that is taking place in Hamburg, Germany from June 5 - 10, 2022.
The conference will bring together experts from industry, academia, and government to promote international cooperation in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering.
During the event, Ruddy Kurnia from ECN will present a paper on "Second-order difference- and sum-frequency wave loads in the open-source potential flow solver NEMOH", as a result of the work done within FLOATECH.
The presentation is part of the session "Fluid-Structure, Multi-body and Wave-body Interaction III", planned on Tuesday, June 7 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM.
OMAE 2022 Conference attendees will have access to view and download articles free from the Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering from June 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022.