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FLOATECH Technical workshop on NEMOH 3.0

Our project partner, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, will present a technical workshop on the third version of the NEMOH software on November 9 and 10 online.

NEMOH is an open-source Boundary Element Methods (BEM) code dedicated to the computation of first order wave loads on offshore structures (added mass, radiation damping, diffraction forces). It has been developed by researchers at Ecole Centrale de Nantes for over 30 years. It is still used in many of their research projects. Typical use is estimation of dynamic response of floating structures or performance assessment of wave energy converters.

This interactive workshop will focus on the practical use of NEMOH, and introduces the new features recently developed: irregular frequencies removal and Quadratic Transfer Functions (QTF, 2nd order wave-wave interactions). Attendants will be guided through a case set up and before running the computation and analysing the results.


DAY 1 - November, 9 2023

14:00 - 18:00

1. Introduction

Short history

Theoretical background

New features in v3

2. 1st order computations

Case setup

Running Nemoh

Reading results

3. Irregular frequencies removal

Mesh modifications

Results comparison

DAY 2 - November, 10 2023

14:00 - 18:00

1. RAO computation

Theory and inputs

Reading results

2. 2nd order computations (QTF)

Case setup/inputs

Reading results

3. Wrap up & Questions

Registration will open soon!


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