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FLOATECH webinar : Databases 4 Wind

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Over the course of the project, several databases have been released and are openly accessible. In order to provide the scientific community with the appropriate information to use them, three partners of the project will hold a webinar to present the following project datasets on October 19, 2023 at 10:00 CEST.

Three models (TU Berlin)

This database contains three models of floating offshore wind turbines in QBlade format. In the webinar, the setup process will be explained, along with important background information which will be helpful for researchers before utilizing these models for further research. This database enables researchers to apply their own studies to these models, test them using QBladeCE or to validate their own tools.

Application of the 3 models in real environment (UniFI)

This two-part database contains the data required to set-up and results of floating wind turbine simulations in the real environment. The first part contains the environmental conditions for a European offshore site and a Python script to generate similar data for a site of choice. The second part of the dataset contains numerical results of three distinct floating wind turbine test cases computed with three different simulation tools. The dataset can be applied by researchers to their own studies and used for code-to-code comparison and verification

Wave tank tests (Centrale Nantes)

The database contains two parts, the first one on directional wave measurements and the second one on wave-wind actions on a SPAR floating wind turbine. We will present during the webinar the wave conditions and the wave gauge array that were used in the wave campaign and we will explain how this dataset can be used to validate either the generation of direction wavefields by Numerical Wave Tanks or the wave prediction algorithms. We will also describe the SPAR floater and the way we reproduce the wind loads by means of an actuation device and the OpenFAST model. This system was setup and used in the second campaign and we will show how this experimental system can be used a validation of wind turbine controllers with high fidelity hydrodynamics and mooring loads.


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