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Progress meeting, conference and site visit for the FLOATECH project

Last week was a productive week for the FLOATECH project. Taking the opportunity of the FOWT 2023 conference which take place in Nantes, the progress meeting was held just before in order for the project partners to participate at the conference.

All the partners gathered together at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) on Tuesday 9 May to discuss the past months achievements and to prepare for the last 7 months of the project. The ECN also offered a visit of its wave tank facilities where they are currently running the third tank test campaign as part of the FLOATECH project.

On Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 May, the project was present at te FOWT 2023 conference at la Cité des Congrés of Nantes with a FLOATECH booth. The conference was a particular opportunity to network with relevant stakeholders in the project field. Two researchers also presented some results of the project during the technical sessions of the conference.

Finally, on Friday 11 May the conference offered a visit of SEM-REV test site of the Open-C foundation. The site hosts the BW Ideol's FLOATGEN prototype on which several technologies of the project are being develop such as the feed-forward wave-based control thanks to the NEXT OCEAN radar. The visit end up with a tour of the recently installed offshore wind farm of Saint-Nazaire.

Take a look at the project week with the photos just below!


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