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Special workshop organised in Naples

On 25 January 2023, the University of Naples Federico II and SEAPOWER SCRL are organising a special workshop to promote the opportunities offered by floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) through FLOATECH.

This workshop organised in cooperation with the Danish Ambassy, CNR-INSEAN and OWEMES is entitled "Challenges in developing Floating Offshore Wind Farms in Italy: a unique opportunity for job creation". Its main purpose is to bring together industries, developers, policy-makers and politics with the research world to create synergies with the FLOATECH example.

Workshop summary:

It is undisputed that the exploitation of the wind energy potential in deep-water seas is key to meet the goals set from EU for CO2 reduction within 2030. In this perspective, the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most promising sea basins, with most of attractive sites enclosed in Italian waters. Due to depths, the only possibility is to use floating offshore wind turbines. These systems are, however, still a quite novel technology, needing technical improvements able to improve their industrial deployment and reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy that is still pretty higher than that of onshore or bottom-fixed offshore turbines. Therefore, it is extremely important to find synergies between public bodies, academia, world of research, developers, industries and supply chain in order to fully exploit this unique opportunity to improve the reduction of CO2 emission, create new jobs, reduce the dependency of conventional energy sources, and reduce the cost of electricity.

This workshop will contribute to assessing the state of the art, putting in evidence the challenges that need to be faced and the current and good practices (e.g., the Danish example), and highlight some perspectives and propaedeutic actions for the near future.

Date and location:

  • January 25, 2023

  • Aula Magna University of Naples Federico II - Centro Congressi ; Via Parthenope 36 – 148 seats

Invited speech:

  • FLOATECH European research project on FOWT

  • BW-IDEOL: Managing a real floating offshore wind turbine

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